Transforming a vacant large empty shell (designated for retail use) into a top class Tourist Attraction, we had the pleasure of assisting our Client in obtaining Planning and Building Regulation Approval, together with assisting them throughout the Construction Phase dealing with contractors and the Landlord, up to completion in providing the Landlords documentation.
Although not without it's problems, we were never sure if this was work or play. The Client, a trio of ex-pats living abroad, would often present the design for an exhibit, which showed off their design flare and talent in creating the working geometry to effect the illusions.
A central theme to their business is Woody (the character also used in their sister themed site based on the Island of Mauritius) and you'll see him sitting in the attraction building window and scattered throughout the exhibition.
Curious Corner Mauritius (sister site to Quirky Corner)
Please note not all attractions are the same in Liverpool - something to do with a yellow disc in the sky